Tuesday, 19.8.2025, 17:15 to 17:45 Organ Vespers in the Lutherkirche


A warm invitation to 30 minutes of musical devotion in the Martin Luther Church, every Tuesday at 5:15 pm!

You can find the current programme at www.linz-evang.at/orgelvesper 

Other dates
Tuesday, 18.2.2025, 17:15 to 17:45 show
Tuesday, 25.2.2025, 17:15 to 17:45 show
Tuesday, 4.3.2025, 17:15 to 17:45 show
Tuesday, 11.3.2025, 17:15 to 17:45 show
Tuesday, 18.3.2025, 17:15 to 17:45 show
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