Funding for events in Linz, Ansfelden or Kirchschlag

Have you chosen Linz, Ansfelden or Kirchschlag as the venue for your event and would like to apply for funding? Some useful information is available here:

The City of Linz

The Province of Upper Austria

Linz tourist board

An application for funding or support must be submitted in writing to the authorities named above. There is no legal claim to funding by submitting an application.

Support from Linz Tourismus

Linz Tourismus focuses on giving advice. Individual support is provided for every conference, for example through:

Advice on choosing a date, rooms and designing a programme in Linz, Ansfelden or Kirchschlag

Inviting opinion leaders, conference agencies, etc. to present possibilities for conferences

Providing images for advertising or programme brochures

Providing advertising material, such as Linz brochures and conference folders for the participants

Financial support for successful overnight stays. For events and supporting programmes that comply with the Blue Meeting® concept, further funding can be provided

Why do we provide this support?

Support is provided for organisers who wish to hold their event in Linz, Ansfelden or Kirchschlag in the low season and with regional service providers. Whether the project has the potential to develop further and whether the event is recurrent and lasts several days (e.g. every two years) are key factors here.

Who may apply for funding?

The organisers themselves.

What do I need to submit?

You need to submit a description of your event with the expected number of overnight stays and a budget with the estimated income and expenditure, which includes the intended service providers.

What are the selection criteria?

Proof of at least 100 participants per conference, and an event lasting several days.

When and where should I apply?

You should submit your written application at least 3 months before the conference begins to the following address:

Tourism Board Linz Tourism Director Marie-Louise Schnurpfeil Adalbert-Stifter-Platz 2 4020 Linz +43 732 7070 2924